Write emails faster

Avoid email repetition by templating and
saving your email responses

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From Janet A. at 8:41 PM
"Hello, just making sure my
order went through. Is there
anything else you guys need ...
From Chris R. at 9:37 PM
"Hi guys, has my order
shipped yet? If so, what is my
tracking number? Thank you.”
From Andre C. at 6:50 PM
"What is your return policy?
Can I return this for a bigger
size if it ends up not fitting?”

Some emails can get a little repetitive

These are just a few examples of common emails you might get on a daily basis. At some point, these start to
overlap, and you find yourself writing the same emails over and over again.

Order confirmation

Hi First name,
Thank you for your purchase! We’ve received your order and a welcome email has been sent to your inbox...

Shipped / tracking..

Hello First name,
Thanks for your order! Your item has shipped via shipping carrier and can be tracked with the following tr...

Return policy inqu..

Hi there First name,
Thank you for reaching out, I’m glad you could find us! We have a 30 day no-questions-asked return policy t...

Emailmate lets you save your replies for later

Emailmate helps store your most frequent email responses and adds powerful customization features so that they
can be used for any customer, allowing you to compose the same email in just a few seconds.

Faster Writing

Writing hundreds of emails isn't
easy. We make responding to
emails fun, and much easier.

Learn more


Your email templates can be
customized to each recipient for
deeply personalized responses.

Learn more

Faster Replies

Empty your inbox more efficiently
than ever, and respond to your customers up to 450% faster.

Learn more
Start using Emailmate
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